When gymnastics becomes a focus in your life, you may find yourself stuck with a common issue, a drive to practice but no drive to drive (to the gym that is). So here are 8 steps to making your home your ultimate gymnastics headquarters.
1. A Great Stretch - Start by stretching all your limbs and muscles. Starting from your head all the way down to the toes. Stretching is important because it will give you more strength and warm up your muscles for more flexibility. You'll thank me later.
2. Home Scaling - Scaling is always a great way to improve posture, balance and strength. Why not use your kitchen tiles (or any tile for that matter) as a reference for front and back scaling. This is after all assuming your tiles were installed straight.
3. Turns - Wearing only socks? Great! Don't go anywhere! Turns are best practiced in kitchens and while wearing socks. Try a full 360 rotation turn. Don't worry, only the stove is watching.
4. Push Ups - What is gymnastics without a good workout? Try doing push ups starting from a diamond push-up working your way out to a wide armed push-up. Do three in each position. Rinse and repeat.
5. Squats - There is no better way to work your core and legs than some good ol' fashioned squats. Start with your legs shoulder-width apart and slowly bring your hips and bottom low while keeping your arms stretched out in front for balance and support. Once your legs are about 90 degrees bring yourself up while keeping your back straight. Repeat until angry at me for the suggestion. Bonus- when rising back up continue rising on your tippy toes, further strengthening your calves and Achilles tendon.
6. Strengthen Your Weak-Spot - We all got a weak spot. Whether it be turns or piking, we all have one. Go ahead and practice the one thing that makes you most anxious until you aren't scared to do it in public. Again, only the stove is watching.
7. The Classics - Cartwheels, back-bends, hand springs, and leaps are the classics. The need not be mentioned because every girl in the world who took gymnastics for more than a week can't stop doing them. Figured it can't hurt though.
8. The Come Down - Grab some scented candles and some relaxing smooth jazz and set yourself up a little nook to just take in some air and relax the mind. After all, this is the ultimate goal. Concentrate on the stress leaving and let the thought of you being in control your body wash out all the leftover stress.
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Tzipie (Wednesday, 06 October 2021 08:32)
Hi! I just stumbled across your website and wondering if you offer gymnastics for adults? I'm older, over 40, but very much in shape, however, I'm looking for something different to stretch and challenge myself. I have some ballet background. Do you offer any classes for my age group?